40 pounds of turkey and a roast blanket
One should probably post more often, and by often I mean more than once. I do now intend to make a go of this blog thing, at least at once a week intervals, however things, life and stuff namely a Hdip in financial services technology which translated means “LEARN COBOL YOU LOWLY POST GRAD WORM!” have got in the way. That and my insurmountable laziness. Now my laziness as the many people who await a post from me in NS will tell you is a horrible thing that resists being pinned down much like a bar of soap in a prison shower room, it twists and turns and proposes to use very real issues in my life to get away with forever hovering in indecision. It has on occasion saved me from horrible physical labour but on the other hand has probably over the years cost me serious percentage points in every exam I have ever taken. Its not that I don't study, oh I do its just when I get to the exam and sit there in that semi terror induced fog of adrenaline something in me goes "ping" and I end up calmly turning my brain into reverse gear. Which well ..sucks really but there you go. Learning cobol or rather failing to has been an experience, I could lambast its nigh on forty year old basic design as the work of Beelzebub himself but others have over the many many years of its existence done this with far more eloquence. I will however say that I find that a language who has restrictions based upon the make up of a non existent punch card to be somewhat irritating.
As a side note I’m doing the hdip in LYIT (the local technical place) not the UU where I did my degree which means its nearer to home and offers less shopping opportunities ..to my various collections detriments. Speaking of my degree I will be attending the official graduation on this Monday (expect photos).
A few days ago I once again tried manual art and failed miserably this is not the first time, indeed I have always been sketching for as far back as I remember its just that unlike others who seem to get slowly better I still have the ability of a packet of instant potatoes. CG art well I have my 2d technical diagrams of horribly beweaponed war machines, I’m good at horribly beweaponed war machines, though judging from the comments or lack thereof on the nationstates daft room you would never know. Hmm what else, went to Dublin a while back and bought some rather nice boots while visiting Paulee who somehow talked me into going to going to dominion a rather well small and clique filled goth club in Dublin. Everyone in it knows everyone else which makes braking into the conversation even with the paulees myriad influences somewhat a challenge. Speaking of Paulee good luck with the operation ( if you think you have problems remember soviet bloc just lost a leg and Paulee is having electrodes implanted in her spine to stop pain from damaged nerves and delightfully had her msnm avvy as a scan of self same things). Given the small numbers ( and the disturbing smell of sewage mixed with the incense burned to cover it) the fact that there was no air con ( my god it must have been 40 down there) I did not have an overly marvellous night though the music is good and to listened too and I did fail to really enter into the spirit of the thing as it were. That and the day after I forgot a newly acquired warhammer army carry case. Which sucked.
Anyhoo on to NS things, first the little niggling things. I don't approve of the self agrandizement of II that occurred at yon end of thread in, what’s that delightful American colloquialism again ah yes ..circle jerk. Now Thrashia (bless his little black heart) and Macabees (...) do put forward the interesting point that II is successful. It is appealing to the same market as Tom "I am a Patriot" Clancy for all the elitism of NS (which does create great RP) II does seem to generate a terrible quantity of content. Which is not to say it is in any way "good" though it can indeed be. However II seems to have somesort of literary cap on its activities, a point that it never seems to cross, from "good" threads to "great" threads. Sure II pulls in the punters and successfully keeps them occupied but does it offer them the opportunity to grow as role-players? Or does it so glorify a few types of role-play to the point that it locks them forever out of NS. Now the culture of NS the so called elitism may also be to blame for this, simply put why would they want to role-play with someone who seems to have (and I am often guilty of this) the writing ability of a gibbon and six times more weapon specifications then actuall content? II does have great role-players and the odd great thread but they are of a genre that by its nature seems to restrict the role-play therein. Which isn’t to say it isn’t fun to read on occasion. However I tend even with the "Great" II rps that feeling that I should be in an airport at 3 in the morning trying to fall asleep on some godforsaken aluminium chair (DAMN YOU STANSTEAD though I do like your space 1999 look). I suppose in the end its the fact that NS has made "aspiring" to be seen as uncool as II as made seem popular simplicity.
Of course neither forum is as such clean of outright dross or the occasional leak from Gasp general.
Speak not of the beast lest ye stirr its dreadful minions.
Anyhoo back on track at present I have been reading Girl Genius Comics archive and I like greatly and suggest it to all of you. I ordered various things from thinkgeek for various people ( I heartily suggest that caffeine sampler as a pressie at any time) and ordered some more things from Megagear and found to my horror that their software writers forgot ..to include ..Ireland.
I mean they have Pakistan and India and Wales and new jersey every god awful piece of the planet but no Ireland. Were not an easy nation to forget for heavens sake. In any case an email to the services which turns out to be (do not look behind the curtain) Sarah Galagher explained this to me and that they do in fact still deliver to Ireland, they just have to change the addresses to the system by entering "Ireland" into the "state field". In any case I still have no idea why they don't accept non US credit cards. Sure their is a minor charge but its nothing spectacular.
To carry on with things, here in Letterkenny vast and terrible things are afoot as a huge new shopping mall takes appearance in the heart of the town like some looming temple to capitalism it reaches out to begin to block the view of the cathedral (agnostic lapsed Catholics don't have to approve of it even if its not there religion any more). Though to be honest Letterkenny is a services town now, filled with shops clubs and pubs. Where was I going with this? I have no idea but then I rarely do. Bought Quake 4 , played it, not overly impressed. Got the collectors edition of age of empires 3 ( you could kill a goat with it , my is it a large impressive and above all heavy box ) oh and for my PSP got GTA Liberty City stories, which I recommend as a hoot, also got BF2 Special forces because any game with grappling hooks is just that much fun. Watch house of the flying daggers. Just do it. Latest Alastair Reynolds book was a bit of a let down, um and thats about it really for this post I think.
As a side note I’m doing the hdip in LYIT (the local technical place) not the UU where I did my degree which means its nearer to home and offers less shopping opportunities ..to my various collections detriments. Speaking of my degree I will be attending the official graduation on this Monday (expect photos).
A few days ago I once again tried manual art and failed miserably this is not the first time, indeed I have always been sketching for as far back as I remember its just that unlike others who seem to get slowly better I still have the ability of a packet of instant potatoes. CG art well I have my 2d technical diagrams of horribly beweaponed war machines, I’m good at horribly beweaponed war machines, though judging from the comments or lack thereof on the nationstates daft room you would never know. Hmm what else, went to Dublin a while back and bought some rather nice boots while visiting Paulee who somehow talked me into going to going to dominion a rather well small and clique filled goth club in Dublin. Everyone in it knows everyone else which makes braking into the conversation even with the paulees myriad influences somewhat a challenge. Speaking of Paulee good luck with the operation ( if you think you have problems remember soviet bloc just lost a leg and Paulee is having electrodes implanted in her spine to stop pain from damaged nerves and delightfully had her msnm avvy as a scan of self same things). Given the small numbers ( and the disturbing smell of sewage mixed with the incense burned to cover it) the fact that there was no air con ( my god it must have been 40 down there) I did not have an overly marvellous night though the music is good and to listened too and I did fail to really enter into the spirit of the thing as it were. That and the day after I forgot a newly acquired warhammer army carry case. Which sucked.
Anyhoo on to NS things, first the little niggling things. I don't approve of the self agrandizement of II that occurred at yon end of thread in, what’s that delightful American colloquialism again ah yes ..circle jerk. Now Thrashia (bless his little black heart) and Macabees (...) do put forward the interesting point that II is successful. It is appealing to the same market as Tom "I am a Patriot" Clancy for all the elitism of NS (which does create great RP) II does seem to generate a terrible quantity of content. Which is not to say it is in any way "good" though it can indeed be. However II seems to have somesort of literary cap on its activities, a point that it never seems to cross, from "good" threads to "great" threads. Sure II pulls in the punters and successfully keeps them occupied but does it offer them the opportunity to grow as role-players? Or does it so glorify a few types of role-play to the point that it locks them forever out of NS. Now the culture of NS the so called elitism may also be to blame for this, simply put why would they want to role-play with someone who seems to have (and I am often guilty of this) the writing ability of a gibbon and six times more weapon specifications then actuall content? II does have great role-players and the odd great thread but they are of a genre that by its nature seems to restrict the role-play therein. Which isn’t to say it isn’t fun to read on occasion. However I tend even with the "Great" II rps that feeling that I should be in an airport at 3 in the morning trying to fall asleep on some godforsaken aluminium chair (DAMN YOU STANSTEAD though I do like your space 1999 look). I suppose in the end its the fact that NS has made "aspiring" to be seen as uncool as II as made seem popular simplicity.
Of course neither forum is as such clean of outright dross or the occasional leak from Gasp general.
Speak not of the beast lest ye stirr its dreadful minions.
Anyhoo back on track at present I have been reading Girl Genius Comics archive and I like greatly and suggest it to all of you. I ordered various things from thinkgeek for various people ( I heartily suggest that caffeine sampler as a pressie at any time) and ordered some more things from Megagear and found to my horror that their software writers forgot ..to include ..Ireland.
I mean they have Pakistan and India and Wales and new jersey every god awful piece of the planet but no Ireland. Were not an easy nation to forget for heavens sake. In any case an email to the services which turns out to be (do not look behind the curtain) Sarah Galagher explained this to me and that they do in fact still deliver to Ireland, they just have to change the addresses to the system by entering "Ireland" into the "state field". In any case I still have no idea why they don't accept non US credit cards. Sure their is a minor charge but its nothing spectacular.
To carry on with things, here in Letterkenny vast and terrible things are afoot as a huge new shopping mall takes appearance in the heart of the town like some looming temple to capitalism it reaches out to begin to block the view of the cathedral (agnostic lapsed Catholics don't have to approve of it even if its not there religion any more). Though to be honest Letterkenny is a services town now, filled with shops clubs and pubs. Where was I going with this? I have no idea but then I rarely do. Bought Quake 4 , played it, not overly impressed. Got the collectors edition of age of empires 3 ( you could kill a goat with it , my is it a large impressive and above all heavy box ) oh and for my PSP got GTA Liberty City stories, which I recommend as a hoot, also got BF2 Special forces because any game with grappling hooks is just that much fun. Watch house of the flying daggers. Just do it. Latest Alastair Reynolds book was a bit of a let down, um and thats about it really for this post I think.
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