So Aye, hello wide world and so forth and people therin.
Anyway finally got around to feeding my addiction to pulp SF again by ordering the last of Harry Turtledoves Balance and Colonisation series titled "Homeward Bound". Somewhat better than the usual Baen books pulp SF I read its still sooo baaad yet sooo goood. Moving on in matters I today started my assignment for yon American international relations module (for those who know not I am in the final year of an international politics and history degree). A joyous ..thing full of ...
Okay its the most boring damn thing in the universe.
Save accounting.
Or possibly collection studies... so ..many ...ceramics o_0
Ehem well anyway to carry on I tonight mostly plan to visit some people, write a murder mystery role-play for the game nationstates, finish doing this of to my satisfaction and maybe do some light sketching, some of which will be in all probability making its unfortunate apearance here and all of which can be found there.
Lord help you.
On that random note I’m agnostic, and while I can believe in a creator I cannot find justification for organised religion aye. ... my father is a rabid atheist.
I do mean rabid the man has issues against religion, big flaming issues ..with pyres and the cleansing.
Aaaanyway I amongst other things play the game Nationstates, originally nothing more than a simple web based game to promote a book now a vast overburdened peer regulated free form role-playing game.
At which ..I well ..I’m not good per say but I would hope to be okay. I will when I get around to it be linking to the other players pages.
What else to say? Its probably going to snow on Friday this week, now when I was even 16 snow was still fun and all very well and good. The unfortunate thing is we all grow older, and in many ways find snow days not days of joy and dossing but of annoyance.
The lessons we learn. What we will actually probably get instead of the white stuff consists of:
(A) Freezing slush
(B) Sleet
(C) Freezing slush
(D) Rain
(E) Freezing slush
and just to make you feel right at home another dose of
(F) Rain
You may also find I am somewhat obsessed with weaponry, though I abhor violence in any form in real life my fantasies have always been filled with the brilliant white lights of energy cannon. When I sleep ..see nuclear detonations.
That or just plain old fashioned weird ass stuff.
...Welcome to Donegal, my life, my trials and tribulations or as I like to call it Mordor with Gaelic speakers.
Anyway finally got around to feeding my addiction to pulp SF again by ordering the last of Harry Turtledoves Balance and Colonisation series titled "Homeward Bound". Somewhat better than the usual Baen books pulp SF I read its still sooo baaad yet sooo goood. Moving on in matters I today started my assignment for yon American international relations module (for those who know not I am in the final year of an international politics and history degree). A joyous ..thing full of ...
Okay its the most boring damn thing in the universe.
Save accounting.
Or possibly collection studies... so ..many ...ceramics o_0
Ehem well anyway to carry on I tonight mostly plan to visit some people, write a murder mystery role-play for the game nationstates, finish doing this of to my satisfaction and maybe do some light sketching, some of which will be in all probability making its unfortunate apearance here and all of which can be found there.
Lord help you.
On that random note I’m agnostic, and while I can believe in a creator I cannot find justification for organised religion aye. ... my father is a rabid atheist.
I do mean rabid the man has issues against religion, big flaming issues ..with pyres and the cleansing.
Aaaanyway I amongst other things play the game Nationstates, originally nothing more than a simple web based game to promote a book now a vast overburdened peer regulated free form role-playing game.
At which ..I well ..I’m not good per say but I would hope to be okay. I will when I get around to it be linking to the other players pages.
What else to say? Its probably going to snow on Friday this week, now when I was even 16 snow was still fun and all very well and good. The unfortunate thing is we all grow older, and in many ways find snow days not days of joy and dossing but of annoyance.
The lessons we learn. What we will actually probably get instead of the white stuff consists of:
(A) Freezing slush
(B) Sleet
(C) Freezing slush
(D) Rain
(E) Freezing slush
and just to make you feel right at home another dose of
(F) Rain
You may also find I am somewhat obsessed with weaponry, though I abhor violence in any form in real life my fantasies have always been filled with the brilliant white lights of energy cannon. When I sleep ..see nuclear detonations.
That or just plain old fashioned weird ass stuff.
...Welcome to Donegal, my life, my trials and tribulations or as I like to call it Mordor with Gaelic speakers.