Dental Landing Pad
So I sit here all alone (parents are in spain for the week) and in well to be honest not all that much pain now but earlier I was head first under pillows willing my jaws to cease to exist. The problem here is ah yes dental. To be precise this is the result of 8 years of orthodontic treatment. When I was but a lad I had buckteeth. And not small ones either they were what dentists class as an “E” which is about as extreme as they get before they can be used as a heliport at the weekends. To remedy this I was given a series of ever more bizzare dental apliacnes. Don’t you just love that word, appliance, it should apply to nice solid devices that clean things or heat them and tend to brake down once a decade, however in this case it applies to a lump of metal glued to your teeth and used to yank them into position with an incredible amount of pain. How this barbaric little method is considered anything other than an art I shan’t know none the less it does appear to work. It won’t give you Hollywood teeth because as far as I can tell they appear to be made out of compressed scrapings from white bathroom tiles it does however give you teeth that don’t impale your aunt when she hugs you. This is a good thing. The bad thing is there are now side effects. Namely wisdom teeth, now in times of yore yon things were supposedly useful as by the time they emerged the rough food you had been chewing on had reduced your gnashers to thin white lines of pain. Given the horror stories I have heard about the things coming up already needing four fillings each I don’t particularly follow this line of thinking. My wisdom teeth on emergence on the other hand found things not as my genetics intended and my jaw radicly compacted back. They awarded me for my years of pain so I fail to look like cleetus with ah yes more pain. Randomly. Whenever they decide today is a good day to emerge a few more tenths of a millimetre. The resulting pain is quite intense enough to floor me and I usually end up buried in a pillow sucking on something and dosing myself with any small available pain killer.
Today my wisdom teeth decided to do this just in time to make me miss my single day at work per week.
On to non dental topics, NS has lately been as reliable as a baboon pumped full of heroin and then deprived of sleep for six weeks would be operated the space shuttle. I’m sure that we NS players are as a group responsible for this and while I feel that we should probably as a group apologise to jolt gaming for making them live in interesting times the add revenue we must be generating surely kicks this in the teeth.
My art has come of public interest of late, with some group making an independent game of some sort requesting I do some manner of diagram for them. I may actually consider commissions in the future. But then I realise what I do, all my technical diagrams are just that. They may be to me art, a way to express myself but in fact they are more like basket weaving than truly creating something. There more “there goes jack to fish” than “there goes jack to douse himself in orange paint and somehow create something that orange telecoms ends up sponsoring on general principal”. This thought always depresses me but I find it ever more true as I compare how I work with how people who actually create concept ideas for things that are in any way aesthetically pleasing do. I assemble things with the care of a model maker and I think because of that they lack a little soul.
In further news my course in LYIT continues to attempt to render my mind a pile of unrecognisable mush and I still await my download of the empire at war demo. In two weeks however hopefully I will never again dial up as I will be on glorious always on wireless broad band. Given I can see the mast I don’t think I will be having connection issues.
Excuse me while I get an image I prepared some time earlier before my hopes were dashed before. Oh yes and in the tone of Evil Emperor Zurg “CURSE YOU EIRCOM”.
Today my wisdom teeth decided to do this just in time to make me miss my single day at work per week.
On to non dental topics, NS has lately been as reliable as a baboon pumped full of heroin and then deprived of sleep for six weeks would be operated the space shuttle. I’m sure that we NS players are as a group responsible for this and while I feel that we should probably as a group apologise to jolt gaming for making them live in interesting times the add revenue we must be generating surely kicks this in the teeth.
My art has come of public interest of late, with some group making an independent game of some sort requesting I do some manner of diagram for them. I may actually consider commissions in the future. But then I realise what I do, all my technical diagrams are just that. They may be to me art, a way to express myself but in fact they are more like basket weaving than truly creating something. There more “there goes jack to fish” than “there goes jack to douse himself in orange paint and somehow create something that orange telecoms ends up sponsoring on general principal”. This thought always depresses me but I find it ever more true as I compare how I work with how people who actually create concept ideas for things that are in any way aesthetically pleasing do. I assemble things with the care of a model maker and I think because of that they lack a little soul.
In further news my course in LYIT continues to attempt to render my mind a pile of unrecognisable mush and I still await my download of the empire at war demo. In two weeks however hopefully I will never again dial up as I will be on glorious always on wireless broad band. Given I can see the mast I don’t think I will be having connection issues.
Excuse me while I get an image I prepared some time earlier before my hopes were dashed before. Oh yes and in the tone of Evil Emperor Zurg “CURSE YOU EIRCOM”.