Thursday, March 09, 2006

Ham And Cheese days

Precious broadband at last. Well it took long enough, now with a glorious (at least relative to what I have experienced before) meg up meg down from . Its been smooth and pleasant and allowed me to start playing BF2 again as attested by my ranking ..miserable as it is. In any case Pre ordered the collectors edition of oblivion from amazon. Taxi fares in Ireland are about to take a horrible hike thanks to some marvellous legislation from the revenue which has pleased exactly no one. Luckily I don’t use taxis that often as I get car time more and more but still this is somewhat bothersome to find a 3 to 4 Euro hike in short trips. Ive been drawing a bit more lately as you should be able to see displayed to your top right. Did a nice little concept which I dubbed a nuclear pulse gun, uses a tactical nuclear warhead in the 150/ 250 tnt ton equivalent to volatise a silicone wadding and fire a damn big fractional orbital projectile.

Got battle for middle Earth II. Quite shiny indeed as much as I now feel the deep need to upgrade my machine, however (A) there was no need what so ever to make it XP dependent, and (B) it seemed somewhat for all its flash ..a touch unpolished. Lord help me I may get lynched for that but there was just something missing. In any case its been a nice enough experience when playing the delightful dwarves and when one had nearly fully upgraded ones fortress one noticed that the dwarves upon the battlements were partaking in some manner of ritual. Strengthening there mighty dwarven stone work perhaps or keeping the eye of your holdings you may think.

Ah yes ..

Dwarven group chickendance. Well I’m sure there was a reason for it, just not one we mortals can fathom.

Still not enjoying the course at all, dreadful dire and dry insurance followed by cobol followed by insurance followed by lotus notes followed by bus com. ..gah . Course is really a bit of a disaster area, felt like its been a waste of my time.

In NS I owe some posts on mars and in forum to several peeps.

Lets see anything else of real interest happening, well my random head aches are not dental at all, there just horrible migraines, joy joy. Ur there were rumours of a local LAN party floating about but the sources are not the best, going to see Tony Robinson in the An Grianan on the 10th and I’m going to a birthday party on the Saturday. Oh and some utter git inflicted Nana on me. May you burn in jello Dan Kim for creating such a thing. or at least have burnt toast in the mornings. Lets see what else what else ah yes Pruno, this this right here. I want to try this. On someone.

Reading Empire of Dragons by Valerio Massimo Manfredi which so far has kept me occupied a bit today.

Listening to: The Beatles - Let It Be